DCS: Updates....

Foro dedicado al simulador de vuelo DCS World

Moderadores: MODERACION, ESQ24F

Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Nuevas imagenes de Normandy WW2
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Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Desarrollo del modelo de vuelo de la AIM-54 Phoenix por Leatherneck para el F-14 Tomcat


Dear All,

For the F-14 project, we realized that we'll need to spend considerable time and effort with the development and research for the AIM-54 Phoenix missile.

Not only due to this weapons' unique place as a weapon designed specifically for the AWG-9 radar system, its' role as the tip of the spear of the USN air-to-air capability or even it's amazing range and performance-- but also to ensure that any advantages and disadvantages of the missile are accurately reproduced and respected.

It's quite likely that the AIM-54 will change the players' experience in the DCS multiplayer environment.
Thus, we consider it of the utmost importance to have a wide breadth of open and readily available research available to the community.

We have no horse in this race except for historical accuracy, and with Tom and Márton at our side, we're confident that we'll get as close as anyone ever has.
Please enjoy their initial development report on the AIM-54 below;

Basic Overview

Since the inception of the F-14 project, we have been working closely with Leatherneck to provide our expertise in providing the most accurate simulation for the AIM-54 that can be reasonably developed on a flight simulation game development budget. The iconic nature of the AIM-54 deserves this level of attention, especially due to its long range and advanced guidance systems; systems that were later incorporated into the AIM-120. It's also very important to maintain strict accordance with real life performance parameters, so that historical advantages and drawbacks are accurately simulated and have the appropriate effect on the multiplayer environment.

As it stands of writing, we are currently simulating drag effects at different velocities and altitudes to ensure accurate drag curves. This is perhaps the longest part of the process as each simulation takes hours to run.

This simulation is based off of a 3D CAD model from which has been created based on reliable source material as well as high resolution imagery. The model has been imported into Fluent where a mesh creation, testing and validation process began and has now been completed.

Once all the simulations have been run, we are able to take this data and then use it to create velocity/time diagrams. These will be matched against literature estimates to revalidate the model.

Once established, we will then be able to write DCS code which will mirror the in-game missile’s performance to that which has been simulated. The final step is to then assist Leatherneck with their work in guidance and radar algorithms. The missile has the range it does, not just due to its huge motor, but also its advanced lofting profiles. These exist in the game at the moment, but will be significantly expanded, as their simplicity often leading to worse performance than level flight.


The first step in the process was to data mine as much as possible about the missile. Fortunately, due to its age and public interest, quite a bit of information is available. The most important information for us was the missile’s motor performance and dimensions, the latter being a relatively easy task if taken just from high resolution photographs.

As for the motor, there have been a lot of questions raised across the internet about the Mk-47 vs the Mk-60 motor, and which version of the AIM-54 received which- and why?

In summary, the first motor produced for the prototype was the Mk. 47, which yields 364lbs of propellant. The Mk-47 was produced from the mid- 1960’s up through and until ‘92.
In parallel, the Mk-60 motor was produced with 459lbs of propellant, obviously a much larger motor. However, due to rising costs, this motors' production was cancelled in 1978.

What this basically means is that the AIM-54A had the choice of either motor, and by the time that the AIM-54C was available in the late 70’s/early 80’s, the Mk-60 was no longer in production. The motors were not retired, however, and some were still in service in limited number. As the years progressed, the Mk-60 was removed from service as service life came to an end and the AIM-54C and C+ exclusively used the smaller Mk-47 motor.


As mentioned previously, the CAD model for the AIM-54 was created from reference material providing exact dimensions, with more specific details (e.g. angles, radiuses) taken from photographs.

We omitted details that would be otherwise masked by the resolution of the numerical mesh (small protrusions)

Figure 1. CAD Model used for the simulation


The simulation of the supersonic regimes was carried out using a density based solver with all compressibility effects and SST turbulence.

The mesh was created in a way so that it gives good shock resolution in the necessary velocity regions (M1-M4) and damps possible reflections from the boundaries.
The mesh uses hexahedral cells to reduce computational costs and improve accuracy.

The preliminary simulations managed to reproduce all expected shockwave behaviour and interaction phenomena. Currently, we are testing the mesh to make sure it produces the necessary mesh density convergence.

After this step is complete, we can begin the accumulation of data based on the simulations.

Figure 2. Unstructed mesh with refined shock regions

Figure 3. Oblique compression and expansion waves along the missile

Figure 4. Shockwave interaction along the missile, the image shows constant pressure lines

Figure 5. Bow shocks at low supersonic velocity, the image shows the density distribution (lighter = higher density)

Future Developments

Once the simulations are complete and we are happy with their accuracy, we will create a DCS AIM-54 based on this data.
Iterative tests and benchmarks will be run at altitude to ensure that it meets the CFD modelling.

Once the missile matches like-for-like, we will begin to look at the guidance and lofting algorithms.
There are a number of sources that already provide clear examples of efficient intercept and guidance laws that include lofting, one such source is directly from the US Navy Academy, for the then new AIM-120A.

Beyond literary sources, there are SMEs' willing to share their own accounts and insights into how the weapon is employed, and what we’d expect to see at different launch parameters.

There will be a lot of work and co-operation together with Leatherneck to ensure that the missile is expanded past current DCS guidance parameters.
This is the second most challenging part of the AIM-54's development, but I am confident that together with the Leatherneck team, we’ll recreate this iconic weapon to the utmost realism and standards available outside of military contracts.

Many thanks to everyone for reading. The team is hard at work on all aspects of the simulation!

Thank you for your patience and support, always,

Leatherneck Simulations

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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Fotometria de referencia 3D para modelaje del tren trasero del Tu-22M3 por Black Cat Simulations
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Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Nuevas imagenes de la ampliación de NTTR Nevada
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Dos nuevas imagenes de Normandy WW2 aparecida hoy en el Newsletter de DCS: World

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Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Siguen los progresos de la cabina trasera de C-101 por Aviodev

http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2 ... tcount=219
Step by step, we are bringing to life the rear cockpit. Implementing all systems, not just mirroring them from the front cockpit, but doing it in an independent way. This will allow us to generate failures for an instructor/student role in addition to the IFR training hood option.
Some of the modifications made are the compass housing, slip indicator, instrument flags smooth animation, correct altimeter implementation, as well as cockpit clock, electrical system improvements and its corresponding circuit breakers, CC cockpit corrections, like for example the HUD.
And many other corrections have been made, which list would be too long.
Paso a paso vamos dándole vida a la cabina posterior. Implementando todos los sistemas, no sólo replicándolos desde la cabina anterior, sino haciéndolo de forma independiente. Esto nos permitirá generar fallos en el papel de instructor/alumno en conjunto con la opción de la capota para entrenamiento IFR.
Algunas de las modificaciones realizadas son la carcasa de la brújula, el indicador de resbale, animaciones de banderas de instrumentos, correcta implementación del altímetro, así como del reloj, mejoras en el sistema eléctrico y correspondientes cortacircuitos, correcciones en la cabina del CC, como el visor (HUD).
Y muchas otras correcciones cuya relación sería muy extensa.
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Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Informe de desarrollo de Agosto por VEAO

https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p= ... ostcount=1
Good Morning Guys,
I can't believe it's the end of August already, where has this year gone??

Being the holiday season mainly over here in Europe a few of our team are off enjoying the summer sunshine which means development slows down a little; however this does give me some more time to actually enjoy flying the aircraft whilst doing more lengthy testing sessions rather than just jumping in, testing a specific system and back out of DCS, multiple times, over and over.

As most of you know I'm more of a jet head but I have to say I'm thoroughly enjoying flying the P-40F with all of it's little quirks, especially in VR.
One thing that really struck me the other day was doing circuit bashing, trying to get my landings right (to save embarrassment later) and in the P-40F cockpit along both sides are two big canopy frame bars that run the entire length of the canopy.
You really feel how close these are in VR and when turning final you have to hunker down to see under the canopy bar to keep your bearings on the runway.
I remember speaking to the pilots at various Duxford air shows and they talked about this a lot.
Chatting to Stevo Hinton when we got a chance to sit in Princess Liz a couple of years back I remember this big bar running down the canopy and imagining how Stevo would have to hunker down to see out, which he was explaining; well you really get this feeling in the P-40F as well, especially in VR.

As I've said before the P-40F has really been designed with VR in mind from the model to the textures as these add massively to the whole VR experience, along with the sounds of course.
Which brings me nicely on to what I'm working on today in fact. Updated sounds from our sound engineer are being integrated into the module replacing our temporary place-holder sounds.
It really is amazing how sounds make a huge difference to the whole experience and I can't wait for you to hear the roar of the Merlin as you taxi out and do your power checks with the canopy open and then can still hear and feel that roar as you close the canopy and wind her up for take off.
As I've said I'm more of a jet head but man I'm loving this bird, more than any of the other WWII aircraft in DCS and I hope you will too.

Flight testing against the numbers has also started and many thanks to the tireless repetitiveness of testing from our core testing team to record the flights for analysis against the numbers.
This is essential for ensuring the EFM is as accurate as possible, along with the niggly quirks given to us by the pilots who fly her at TFC Duxford.
We obviously want our first WWII module to be special and the team have done an amazing job on this one.

Chuck is chomping at the bit to get his hands on P-40F for making a video for you guys and making one of his excellent guides so keep an eye out for both of those coming soon.

Next steps for us are to polish off the module and get it over to TFC and ED for verification and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the reaction from you guys during future live flight streams.

Now, let's talk about Hawk.
She is definitely a labour of my love and we've had a rocky history over the past several years.
Most of you know the problems we have had with coding, textures, DCS updates causing issues and all of those things.
I feel we have learnt a hell of a lot from our first module release and she still teaches us how to do things today given the advancement of the sim.
These are lessons learnt which has given us a better direction going forward with our upcoming modules.
But, I hear you say, what about Hawk and all of those lessons...
Well, Hawk will be getting a major overhaul from a complete re-write of the ASM code to an updated cockpit to a realistic weapons suite and many more features.
We are bringing on new talented staff and utilising the excellent skills of our current staff to give her an upgrade.
I'm not going to go into details just yet about what that upgrade will include as I want it to be more of a surprise to you when it gets patched in the future but I think you'll like what I have planned

For now, the team are still concentrating on fixing the bugs that still exist, patching up the holes if you will, which will help with the upgrade later.

Again, I can assure you that Hawk has not been forgotten about.

On to the other side of the business, the military aspect and events promotion; I've had some excellent tech demo's over the past few months and some exciting opportunities are coming up which we are working on. Some are early discussions and some are more advanced and in final negotiations. These will also benefit our consumer side of the business and details will be revealed later on as to what aircraft they entail.
We are also working hard with our events partners and you should be seeing more of Hawk out and about very soon with an exciting livery on her. I'll be posting some screens soon on what we're working on so keep an eye out for them.

As we've said before; the updates will focus on our current and upcoming release products and work is still going strong on all of our other modules in development.
When they're closer to release we'll be posting more details about them.
However; do keep an eye on our Facebook page and chats through these forums as sometimes sneak peak stuff is discussed or shown.

Many thanks for your continued support and we wish you a great summer.
Chris and the team.
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Del FB de VEAO, update del P-40F
https://www.facebook.com/veaosimulation ... f=NEWSFEED
A few P-40F multiplayer screenies whilst sound testing just now...
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Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Mas imagenes del Harrier por RAZBAM

https://www.facebook.com/RazbamSims/?hc ... S_TIMELINE
A few more corrections and this guy is ready for mapping and then texturing..
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Nuevas imagenes del P-40F de VEAO
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Nuevas imagenes de la tripulación del Bo-105 (piloto / copiloto) por The_Fragger (oliver) del equipo de Polychop

https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p= ... tcount=833
Dear Simmers...First day after my move to the new appartment and I headed full speed ahead with the BO-105 Pilot/Co-Pilot (WIP).
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Kapitän zur See
Kapitän zur See
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Re: DCS: Updates....

¿alguien sabe donde està la llave del contacto?



Todo lo que no sean aquellos a quienes amamos y que nos aman, es la nada, polvo y aire.
Comandante en Jefe
Comandante en Jefe
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Las imágenes son impresionantes.
¿Con cuantos de esos aviones vuelas Silver?
Comandante en Jefe de la 24 Flotilla
¡Larga vida a la 24!

Mensajes: 924
Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

Newsletter del 9 de septiembre, nueva campaña de Ranger 39 Production para el A-10C, "Operación Piercing Fury" para el caucaso. Bono de compra especial y Concurso de Video para el A-10C y nuevas imagenes de los nuevos aeropuertos para NTTR Nevada.
https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p= ... stcount=48
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Registrado: 31 Ago 2000 02:00

Re: DCS: Updates....

DCS World 1.5.4 Update 5 changelog

https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p= ... stcount=32
DCS Update 5 Today

A-10C Operation Piercing Fury by Ranger79 integration.

DCS World
Crash server and client in multiplayer when another client occupies manpad unit is fixed
IC will not be cheated by unregistered mods
China's assets callsign format shown in ME is corrected
AA missiles will not dive after miss
MP. Fixed issue with difficult to close of chat window
No debriefing points for wins issue fixed
External model draw arguments accessible from Export.lua
Fixed the issue with artillery that not open fire in some places
Added RU phrases for ground air supply
MP. Added info about difficulties setting on the server
M1A2. Corrected damage model
Kneeboard. Added support of localized folder inside mission
Mid-range missile hit will not always causes to full aircraft destruction
Ground units. Fixed issue with shells that flying through target without collision
China unit system will be in metric

Su-25. Radar altimeter pointer corrected
Su-25. The boom of opened canopy corrected
FC3 aircraft. An enabling of cockpit lights at night by default fixed
Su-27/33 indication corrected
Fixed issue with China a/c radio without audio

DCS SA342 Gazelle by Polychop
New same sight for both gun and rockets
Corrected VRS
Corrected Mistral Missile performances
Corrected issue with rearming Mistral version
Corrected issue with Yugoslav livery
Fixed game crash when crashing mistral version or swapping from mistral version to another helicopter
Corrected main alarm lamp to switch off with fuel lever full forward position
Changed some cockpit instrument glasses for compatibility with external mods
Fixed instruments internal lights
Now Copilot is no more be able to engage Autopilot Slaved mode, in multicrew
Added FFB feature, still WIP

DCS MiG-21Bis by Leatherneck Simulations
Changed default FOV to 150 degrees
Fixed side-slip ball while flying inverted.
Adjusted flight dynamics with drag chute deployed.
Corrected check warning lights button on landing gear panel causing the intake nose cone to extend.
Redefined ventilation lever from axis to lever.
Adjusted fuel set knob animation assignment to controller rotaries.
Adjusted ASP rotary inputs for controller devices.
Fixed trigger zone of canopy ventilation system handle.
Fixed canopy visibility and animation after rearm/repair.
Fixed when AI only fires S-5M rockets in pairs.
Corrected R-60M’s all aspect seeker-head.
Increased nose cone damage value.
Optimized LODs.
Added VVS Metal livery.
Fixed fuel tank pylons’ texture.
Fixed Southeria livery’s unweathered left wing.
Created new specular textures for metal and painted liveries.
Created normal bump textures for visible damage.
Corrected UV mapping on windscreen.
Corrected normals’ orientation on static center airbrake.
Fixed alpha channel presets for landing gear chocks. Holes now show.
Remodeled tires’ animation and damaged looks.
Animated engine fan blades.
Removed canopy covers for further testing with end-of-shutdown animation.
Disabled intake relief and spill doors’ visibility arguments for further testing.
Partially fixed two primary engine sounds at mission start.

DCS L-39
L-39ZA. A gun smoke texture will not be visible without shooting
Pilot textures corrected
L-39C. Fixed bug with the weapon panel bomb lamps are not lit, when bombs are on the hardpoints
L-39ZA. Gun moment is zeroize
Pitot dyn slowdown speed calculation fix

Cyrillic characters on the few cockpit warning lights was replaced in the English cockpit

DCS Bf 109 K-4
Update on training missions for Bf 109K-4
Reworked control surfaces deflection saturation to a clamping behaviour
Electrical gauges will depend of electric power
Fixed surface degradation upon detachment of control surfaces, redesigned axis-driven elevator trim behaviour
Added zero tick to trim scale

Fixed through hole on external model
CHAFF/FLARE dispenser is available by default during air start
Fuel tanks will be available for repair
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